Article 62 A civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic acts shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met. 第六十二条民事法律行为可以附条件,附条件的民事法律行为在符合所附条件时生效。
Among them, what kind of status and meaning are civil juristic act system in the civil law system? 其中,民事法律行为制度在民法体系中有怎样的地位及意义呢?它是如何产生发展及完善的呢?
One the Relationship Between Act of Procedure of a Party and Civil Juristic Act 当事人诉讼行为与民事法律行为关系考
Because it will influence the formulation of the law of real right and even the whole codes of civil law to the different views of the theory of juristic act of real right to a great extent. 因为,对物权行为理论的不同主张将在很大程度上影响物权法乃至整个民法典的制定。
Questioning on the Legitimacy Standard of the Civil Juristic Act in Our country 我国民事法律行为合法性标准质疑
Although there is controversy among scholars over whether to adopt the concept of quasi civil juristic act, the majority are in the affirmative. 学界对是否采纳准民事法律行为的概念虽然存在争议,但通说持肯定态度。
This article analyzed various theoretical opinions about the litigation contract's character through distinguish the fabric and characteristic between act of procedure and civil juristic act, then defined the character of litigation contract. 本文通过区别法律行为和诉讼行为的构造及特征,对理论界各种关于诉讼契约性质的观点一一进行分析,进而界定了诉讼契约的性质。
Firstly, the legal character of the share is defined as a civil juristic act. 第一,界定了股权转让作为一种民事法律行为的法律性质;
In German civil law, civil juristic acts are divided into causative acts and abstract acts. The criterion is if the act can be seperated from its cause. 在德国民法中,民事法律行为被分为有因行为和无因行为,其标准为行为是否能与原因相分离。
In German civil law which obeys the theory of juristic act of real right, the third party's acknowledgement of the former contract's defect is not malicious. 在遵从物权行为理论的德国民法中,第三人对前手交易合同瑕疵的知情不为恶意,第三人对出让人无处分权的知情才构成恶意。
The Requirements of Establishment and Validity of Civil Juristic Act 论民事法律行为的成立与生效
Secondly, the civil juristic act on property and the civil juristic act on liability are analyzed in the share transfer and the impacts of them on the share transfer is also stated. 第二,分析了股权转让中的债权行为及物权行为,以及二者对股权转让的影响;
However, the validity of civil juristic act means that a civil juristic act which has already existed takes effect and brings about the birth, changing or extinction of civil juristic relation, which the agreement goes in for. 而民事法律行为的生效则是指已经成立的民事法律行为发生法律效力,在当事人之间引起了意思表示内容所追求的民事法律关系产生、变更、消灭的法律后果。
Civil juristic act shouldn't be with its important item in legal behavior. 民事法律行为不应以合法行为为其要件。
The establishment and validity of civil juristic act are two different concepts. 民事法律行为的成立与生效是两个具有本质差别的概念。
The requirements of establishment and validity of civil juristic act actually reflect the relationship between private rights and public power, or between civil society and political state. 民事法律行为成立与生效要件的规定实质上反映了私权和公权之间的关系,或曰市民社会与政治国家之间的关系。
The author suggests that the retention of the ownership should be a civil juristic act with suspensive conditions and thus proposes the system designs of the ownership retention. 最后,本文基于对所有权保留是一种附停止条件的民事法律行为的认识,提出了所有权保留的制度设计。
The lawful nature of urban housing removal should be civil juristic act essentially. 城市房屋拆迁行为本质上应属于民事法律行为。
The dispute arising from the case of "love donation" in Guangxi display again that it is fairly necessary to clarify the related theory of the obligation of civil juristic act. 广西“爱心捐款案”所引发的争议再次显示了明确民事法律行为之负担的相关理论的必要性。
Testament will, what has been done before it is grown by the natural person and a kind of civil juristic act of its property of legally effective punishment while dying. 遗嘱(testamentwill),是自然人在其生前做的并于死亡时发生法律效力的处分其财产的一种民事法律行为。
It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party. 物权行为理论保护恶意第三人的观点是对德国民法关于第三人规范的误解。
Private governance centers on civil law, while a juristic act serves as an instrument to realize private governance. 私人自治在民法中居立龙头之地位,而法律行为乃实践私人自治的工具。
There are three kinds of conditions on which the rules of civil juristic act act as approving norms of quasi civil juristic act, either directly, partially or not at all. 准民事法律行为准用民事法律行为的规则时,有可以直接准用、不能完全准用和完全不能准用三种情形。